In the thrilling finale of our series, we venture into the wildest and most pristine corners of the Dominican Republic, where nature takes center stage. From the jungles of Monte Plata to the majestic Bahía de las Águilas, our landscapes have brought to life productions filled with mystery, action, and fantasy. If you've ever dreamed of exploring the country's most hidden and captivating places, this is your ultimate destination.
Cinematic Adventures:
- Monte Plata – Jurassic Park (1993)
The dense jungles of Monte Plata transported audiences to the age of dinosaurs, with an atmosphere of mystery and grandeur that only our lands could provide. - Bahía de las Águilas – Old (2021)
In the tranquil and pristine beauty of Bahía de las Águilas, M. Night Shyamalan’s film found the perfect setting for its eerie, suspenseful story. This remote corner of the country remains a symbol of purity and isolation. - Barahona – 47 Meters Down (2017)
The crystal-clear waters and rich biodiversity of Barahona Bay served as the backdrop for a survival tale set in the dangerous depths of the ocean. Barahona is the ideal location for filming aquatic adventure films.
And so, we conclude our journey through the cinematic landscapes of the Dominican Republic. Throughout this series, we've discovered how our beaches, cities, and natural landscapes have captivated Hollywood. But this is just a glimpse of what our country has to offer the film industry. The Dominican Republic continues to grow as a key destination for international productions, and we're sure that the next films to choose our land will surprise us even more